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For many of us, cycling is an enjoyable way to stay fit, whilst adventuring to new places. However, for less serious riders, or non-cyclists, there are some frequently asked questions which we are happy to answer!

Cycling FAQs - Reid ® - Cycling FAQs Answered

How Do You Stay Motivated To Keep Cycling?

Like any exercise, it takes motivation to keep going and this is no exception to cycling. However, many people enjoy cycling as it is a way to escape normal life and has many benefits, physical and mental, which help keep you motivated to keep cycling. If you need help keeping you motivated to carry on cycling, we recommend switching up your cycle route and cycle somewhere new which allows you to explore new, beautiful places whilst still cycling those miles!

In addition to this, setting goals is a great way to keep you motivated to keep cycling as well as giving you something to achieve. For example, you might set yourself a new goal every month to cycle a little further and this keeps you motivated to achieve your goal. This is a great way to also increase your self-esteem as the feeling when you achieve your goal is amazing and will give you a real positive boost. We have a blog on how to keep you motivated, which you can check out here.

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How High Should My Bike Saddle Be?

Having your saddle at the correct height is very important to ensuring you are most comfortable when riding as well as making sure your riding position is correct.  As a general rule, your leg should be almost completely extended, with a slight bend in the knee. Also, your toes should not be pointed and “scooping” the pedals as you complete a pedal stroke.

When purchasing a bike, you will be advised what height is right for you as well as ensuring the saddle is correct. If you are unsure, ask your local bike retailer and they will be happy to help!

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Do I Really Need To Wear A Helmet When Cycling?

The simple answer to this is yes. Helmets are extremely important when riding and should always be worn during cycling. They protect your head from any injuries and studies have shown that helmets significantly reduce the risk of head injuries. They are a must when going on a bike ride.

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Do I Really Need Bike-Specific Clothing?

If you are looking at seriously getting into cycling, then investing in bike-specific clothing is a great decision. Cycling clothing has been designed to enhance your riding, for example cycling shorts have padding built in for extra comfort when riding. Cycling shoes are also a great investment for serious cycling as they provide support and grip on your pedals which is especially great for long distance cycling as it will contribute to keeping up a fast pace .

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Where Can I Find People To Cycle With?

Cycling is a very social sport and cycle groups are a great way to find people who also share a passion for cycling. Riding with peers is also a great way to keep you motivated and can help you achieve new goals as there is someone alongside you to cheer you on.

Cycling clubs are very common and there is probably one in your local area. Cycling clubs usually organise events such as weekly cycles or even bike races, check out your local cycling club and start riding!

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Do I Have To Take Cycling Seriously?

Bike riders don’t all have to be serious cyclist, who ride for miles and miles. Cycling is for everyone, no matter your fitness level. You can ride at your own pace, at your own distance whether you’re commuting to work or just simply riding to the shops.

Here at Reid, we believe everyone should be able to explore their freedom and we have a bike for everyone. To find out what bike might be the best option for you, click here.

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At Reid, we believe everyone should enjoy cycling and that’s why we have a large range of bike categories, to fit everyone’s cycling needs. Whether you’re a beginner looking to enter the world of cycling, or you want to start commuting to work, or you’re a professional cyclist, we have you covered. Explore your freedom with Reid today!

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